Vitaly Malkin
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Sex is God's Greatest Enemy

"I suggest you accept and love lust with all your heart in order to abandon religion and get back your self-respect. In return, you will obtain sexual freedom and the right to passionate human sex and bright carnal love."

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Shun sex outside of marriage. Sodomy is the work of the devil. Masturbation will lead you straight to hell. These are the advice a priest, imam, or rabbi will give you on sex.  These three spend their time arguing about this mirage called God. Despite the substantial differences, they have three things in common: they shame the body, fear women, and condemn pleasure. Where does this shared hatred come from? What are the arguments used by these pleasure-seekers to keep the world in abstinence?

To understand this, Vitaly Malkin conducted research on the history of religions through a sexuality lens. He points out the hypocrisy of monotheistic faiths and their dangers to the most precious human freedom: self-pleasure.

Before the non-existent "Eternal," Vitaly Malkin is a businessman, philanthropist, and hedonist. He has made religious criticism his life struggle. This provoking and erudite pamphlet, extracted from his reference book, Dangerous Illusions, reveals how to break free from excessive regulations. It is an invitation to enjoy life without restrictions under the nose of the virtue professors.

"I am absolutely sure that if we had no lust, we would still live in the Stone Age. Indeed, lust is a sign of vitality and interest for the outside world. It is something that keeps us alive and pushes us forward."

Vitaly Malkin

The books

One against everybody

One against everybody

Equality: a dangerous fantasy

Equality: a dangerous fantasy

Sex is God's Greatest Enemy

Sex is God's Greatest Enemy

All books
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